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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Stephanie Reed

Comparing advanced point & shoot cameras

I lead a travel group to Europe 1-2x per year with 15-20 high school students in tow. I also travel on my own during the summer/winter breaks. I'm tired of lugging my beloved Nikon D200 around and am in the process of selecting a smaller, more compact camera. I've narrowed it down to the Nikon P6000, Panasonic FZ35, and possibly the Canon G11. Interested in seeing how the BP forum weighs in on those models. Thanks!

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November 02, 2009


Lynn R. Powers
  I have heard that the FZ35 is excellent.
Being I am going back to film with a medium format camera I also need a decent P&S camera. From what I have read and the photos I have seen the Canon G11 is going to be my choice.


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November 04, 2009


Dorothy Neumann
  I just bought the Panasonic DMC-FZ35 as a replacement to my DMC-FZ20. So far, so good. It's smaller, quicker, and can do videos with sound (I haven't tried that so can't testify about the quality), and it can also shoot RAW.

Only things that I don't like as well, I can't use remote shutter release (there's no jack port, or whatever you call it) and no hotshoe.

It's an excellent value with suggested manufacturer's price of $399.

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November 04, 2009


Stephanie Reed
  Thank you for your responses. All three choices seem to have unique qualities. Might just flip a coin!

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November 05, 2009


Lynn R. Powers
  Stephanie do not just flip a coin, even when said in jest. Go to a store that has the cameras and handle them to make comparisons. You may not like the viewfinder, LCD, how the controls are situated or handle. As of yet the G11 is not in the stores.
With luck you may find the camera that feels just right for you. It is as important to check each P&S camera as it is an expensive "pro" DSLR.


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November 09, 2009


Stephanie Reed
  Thanks Lynn. That's where I'm having the problem... all of the camera shops in this area have closed. We're stuck with Best Buy and they only carry the Canon. I'm hoping that the Ritz down in Tampa will get the Nikon and Panasonic in stock soon so I can try those.

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November 10, 2009


R K Stephenson
  Hi, Stephanie,

I was just reading some reviews (I'm considering a small camera for walkin' around) and saw something I had not thought about:

Due to the small sensor size, even with the large megapixel image sizes available the pics may be unsuitable for some printing that otherwise would work with a similar-sized DSLR image.

I would be interested if anybody has any experience with this.



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November 10, 2009

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