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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Charles E. Mann

Which camera to choose?

It's Time for a new camera. Can anyone offer any inpute into choosing anew camera. I own a Nikon D70S (which I love!, I do alot of sport photography. Outside it gets the job done (FPS could be higher,3FPS but I live), inside is where the trouble comes in. 800-1000 is as high of ISO I will go if printing (usually 5x7's). I want a camera that can PRINT 8x10, 12x18, 20x30 in higher ISOs. So far my choices are NIKON D200, D300, a friend suggested D90. Money is an issue,(no D3). ANY SUGGESTIONS? HAS ANYONE USED THESE CAMERAS,AT THESE ISOs 1600 & HIGHER & PRINTED THESE SIZES? Any other cameras to look into?

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September 23, 2009 - Donald R. Curry

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Donald R. Curry
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I currently use a D200. I routinely print and sell 20x30s using 100 ISO. It has been my experience that the D200 is a little noisy at high ISOs. If I were going to upgrade I would go to a D700 or my second choice would be a D300. I understand that the noise at high ISOs has been reduced considerably in these models.

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September 25, 2009


Aimee C. Eisaman
  If you are looking for information comparing the D90 and D300 visit this site It is where I went before I made my decision. I now own the D90 and love it although I can't tell you about high ISO situations as I don't shoot sports or have had the need to crank up the ISO yet! :~)

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September 26, 2009


Jeffrey R. Whitmoyer
  I'm very happy with my D300, the noise level at high ISO's is tolerable, though I haven't shot a lot at high ISO. Either the D90 or D300 will do well for you.

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September 26, 2009


Nicholas Semo
  Nikon D300


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September 27, 2009


Lynn R. Powers
  I agree with many of the others. Get the D300.
As far as 20X30" prints are concerned make use of Mpix, ElCo or any other one of the recognized good labs. As long as you send them a good photo they will deliver you a fine print at that size.
Let them do some adjusting as needed. They have better equipment than we do to make it look great.


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November 04, 2009

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