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Photography Question 

Beth Spencer

Cannon 100mm 2.8 macro lens

I have been wanting to purchase a Canon 100mm macro 2.8 lens for over a month now. They have been on backorder and still are. Does anyone know if they are getting ready to upgrade or change that lens?

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August 19, 2009


Jon Close
  (a) found it listed in stock and a very good price from a good retailer here:
Roberts Imaging in Indianapolis

(b) Canon has announced a new IS technology specifically for Macro lenses. Maybe they intend to replace the EF 100 f/2.8 USM Macro with an IS version, but I'm guessing the revised IS will be used in a new lens, possibly a macro zoom.

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August 21, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Amazon has them in stock for $629
B&H are back-ordered. Amazon has a good return policy and I bought my 100mm macro from them 4-5 years ago and its still one of my favorites.
If you decide to get a ring flash, get the Canon M-14 or M-24. I bought a Pro Master ring flash that was a bit cheaper than the M-14 but it has a design flaw that the power switch will easily flip to ON when I put it in my camera bag. I have to take the batteries out after each use or it will get turned on and run down the batteries while in my bag.
With a good tripod the backyard becomes a wonderful world of endless possibilities.
Have fun,

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August 23, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Amazon has them in stock for $629
B&H are back-ordered. Amazon has a good return policy and I bought my 100mm macro from them 4-5 years ago and its still one of my favorites.
If you decide to get a ring flash, get the Canon M-14 or M-24. I bought a Pro Master ring flash that was a bit cheaper than the M-14 but it has a design flaw that the power switch will easily flip to ON when I put it in my camera bag. I have to take the batteries out after each use or it will get turned on and run down the batteries while in my bag.
With a good tripod the backyard becomes a wonderful world of endless possibilities.
Have fun,

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August 23, 2009


Beth Spencer
  I am still waiting. In the mean time I have purchased a set of extension tubes and am getting ready to use them.

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August 27, 2009 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  I *love* my 100mm f/2.8; it is easily my most favorite lens (though, I only have 3 to choose from!) I thoroughly enjoy macro work, but it is so sharp and clear and bright and fast, I often use it for non-macro as well.

To your comment, a friend just shared a "leaked" story about the upcoming Canon 7D (a new 18MP, to sit in their product line between the 50D and the 5D.) In that "leak" they also mention the upcoming release of a 100mm f/2.8 with image stabilization... Dunno if the leak will prove true; time will tell.

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August 29, 2009


Beth Spencer
  That was what I have been wondering also.. It seems really weird that they have been on backorder as long as they have. I am waiting to see. Thanks

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August 30, 2009 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Just got an email from Amazon, for pre-ordering the 7D body, as well as the new 100mm... it has IS, and is now an "L" lens, carrying a $1,049 price!

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September 02, 2009


Lynn R. Powers
  In order to get the original 100mm f2.8 Macro I suggest you check out the used departments of B&H, Adorama and KEH. I had one and it is super. When using it for macro work it is best to use a tripod anyway so the IS is not needed.
I am pretty shaky but I can still hand hold the lens without any problem for most applications.


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November 04, 2009

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