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Photography Question - Agnes Fegan

BetterPhoto Member
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Purchasing a new monitor...

We have to replace our computer monitor which "died" and we temporarily hooked up an old clunky one which takes up lots of space. I was looking into the Dell HD widescreen flat monitor, 23" or smaller...some reviews say there is a glare and they are dust grabbers? Anyone have any input on this? Thanks in advance :)

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June 24, 2009


doug Nelson
  The new cheap Chinese flatscreens are so inaccurate for serious imaging work that some of us are picking up used CRT's (the old fat ones) at the Goodwill or Salvation Army to use until we can afford a high end flatscreen. Look for "Sony Trinitron" somewhere on the monitor. If the clunker works, I'd keep it until you research flat screens. Others here at BP can suggest some good monitors; I'm still on my oldie.

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June 24, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
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Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Agnes,
I switched to MAC and my 24" IMAC screen is a joy to use. Eizo makes high end flat screens but they are pricey -

The last 19" CRT monitor I had died after 3 years but the colors were great while it worked.
Apple Cinema screens aren't cheap either but they are used by a lot of photography pros.
I have not been impressed with Samsung & many other cheap flat screens out there but if you keep it calibrated often, they may work OK. They are so cheap now, I saw a 23" for less than $200 advertised by CompUSA.

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June 24, 2009 - Agnes Fegan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Agnes Fegan
Agnes Fegan's Gallery
  Thank you Doug and Carlton for responding. The monitor I was looking at was a Dell 23" HD Widescreen on sale for $149 from $239. When I had checked again, it was sold out. So I think I will stick with the 17" "clunker" for the moment, save some $$$$, and do a little more research. Thanks again!

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June 24, 2009


Richard Lynch
  In a way choosing a monitor is like choosing a lens: it will be the one thing when you are starting out that you'll tend to skimp on and then later you'll realize the lens may be more important than the camera -- in this case the monitor more important than the computer. You are working in a visual art, and the first thing you will likely really see those images on is your monitor. If it is inaccurate or not dependable, you won't see what you should.

My last system purchase saw me finally buy a flat screen after years of swearing by CRTs...but I had to spend $1600 to get a monitor I thought good enough for my photo work that wouldn't drive me insane. I hear great things about the Eizo models that Carlton mentions, but I chose the Apple Cinema Display and got the biggest one to replace my dual 19" CRT setup.

If you want cheap, I'd go with a CRT. I used 19" NEC monitors that were excellent, and I'd gotten them off ebay for about $50. They may be even cheaper now that everyone is rushing to get flat screens.

Quite honestly I use Dell flatscreens at a place where I work, and I can't stand them. That is even with a digital hookup (which I very much recommend should you go that route). In a dual monitor setup with one digital card, the monitors are both calibrated and the monitor on the analog connection will not display certain colors...But I sometimes find myself with my head on my desk trying to see color that doesn't show up when I look dead on...

So I think both Doug and Carlton offer great advice. Buying a cheap flatscreen may seem convenient, but I think it is the wrong way to go for the sake of accuracy in your images.

Richard Lynch

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June 25, 2009


Marianne Fortin
  I bought this monitor about 6 months ago and, so far, it is a vast improvement on my old one.

It is available from B&H for $999 with free shipping. (Amazon has it for about $100 more).

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June 25, 2009 - Agnes Fegan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Agnes Fegan
Agnes Fegan's Gallery
  Thank you Richard and Marianne for your responses...BP members always have so much information; I never dreamed there was so much to know about a monitor. I'll look into all the options..thanks!!!

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June 25, 2009

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