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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Beth Spencer

Macro Photography

I have a Canon EOS 40D and am seriously considering getting a macro lens but have no idea which one to consider. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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June 01, 2009


Stanley Joel Schretter
  Actually, there are several possibilities. The Canon 500D diopter lens will convert any good lens into a great macro lens. It is a lot cheaper than a dedicated macro. I have a Tokina 100mm f/2.8 macro, and it takes wonderful images.

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June 02, 2009


Beth Spencer
  Thanks, I will look into it. I've not seen one of those, so I am not sure how it works.

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June 02, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
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  100mm with Macro Ring Flash
100mm with Macro Ring Flash

Carlton Ward

Hello B9th,
I have the Canon 100mm f/2.8 Macro lens and a macro ringlight. This combo will get you great butterfly, flower, and other macro shots. I get a lot of use out of mine and the most important thing about macro photography is to use a tripod. With a macro lens, even a 1/4-inch movement will change the area of focus and you may not like your results. The tripod will make everything much easier to manage. I also recommend using manual focus and manual camera setting so you can set the DOF you want and focus on the specific area of the subject. There are a couple of macro classes here at BetterPhoto, and once you learn a few basic techniques for shooting macro photography, you will be getting great captures. Another big plus for macro photography is that there is a whole world to explore as close as your backyard :)

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June 02, 2009

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