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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Jeremy Leonard

Canon EOS Rebel T1i

I am thinking about saving up to get a digital SLR, and I am currently thinking about the canon EOS Rebel T1i. Does anyone have any coments on this camera? Thank you.

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May 22, 2009


  OK this is just my personal opinion but it has HD video in this camera. To me I have no need for video in my SLR camera. So I'm stuck paying for something I'd never use. The XTi and the Xsi both are very good entry level SLR's. I started with the XTi but within a year I've upgraded to the 50D because of its capabilities in low light with little to no noise. I see the T1i goes for over $800. My advice would be spend the little bit more and start with the 40 or 50D. (the old 40D is almost the same as the new T1i)But any way you go stick with CANON and don't let those crazy Nikon people (here me guys!!) talk you into one of them. LOLOL

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May 22, 2009


Jeremy Leonard
  Thank you for the advice. I was kind of wondering about the use of HD video. I am definitely a fan of Canon's cameras.

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May 22, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hello Jeremy,
I also had a Rebel back in 2004 but moved to a 20D in 2005. I agree with Ann about considering a 40D over the T1i if you will be shooting in weather or rough terrain. They are much better built. I dont know that the 40D will take better photos but its much more durable. My 20D and my 100-400mm lens got completely soaked in a downpour and after a couple of days of letting them air dry, I wiped them down and they both still work perfectly. My old Rebel would not have endured that much water soaking it. As far as the HD video, you dont have to use it if you dont want to.
I used to shoot Nikon film cameras and when I decided to buy a DSLR, I was looking at Nikons until I held a Canon 20D and the ergonomics & layout of the controls is what convinced me to go with Canon. I recommend that you check out both Nikon & Canon and any others (Pentax, Fuji, Sony) as well to see what feels right to you.
Lenses will be your biggest investment when you get rolling with a DSLR. Both Nikon & Canon have a lot of quality lenses. Sony uses Carl Zeiss lenses which are also great quality glass. Other makers like Tamron, Sigma & Tokina make both Nikon & Canon mount lenses. The lenses will be with you for a long time where the cameras are constantly getting updated with newer models coming out each year.
Good luck,

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May 22, 2009


Jeremy Leonard
  Thank you for the info. It's always good to have an idea for how much a camera can take.

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May 23, 2009


Bob Sticco
  Hi Jeremy. . .I agree with Ann, stick with Canon equipment, you will not be sorry. I also would advise saving a bit more and buying a 40D or 50D, because they are sturdier, they are faster, and why buy 2 cameras when you can save a little longer and get a better camera. The money you save by buying 1 camera, you can put toward a nice "L" lens. I think Carlton got lucky with the soaked 100-400mmlens, they are normally not weather proof. I know. . .I have one!! Good Luck in whatever choice you make, and good shooting!!!....Bob

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May 24, 2009


Jeremy Leonard
  Thank you for the advice (and compliment on current shots) Bob. I am currently planning to save for Canon's 50D.

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May 25, 2009


Cynthia A. Gallo Callan
  I was also considering the EOS Rebel T1i as I have finally upgraded to the SLR. I ordered the XSi instead -- as I couldn't see buying a camera with a video when I really wouldn't use it. I stuck within my budget with the XSi with additional batteries, cards and UV filter

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June 04, 2009

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