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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 
- Nevia Cashwell

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Gorillapod for Zoom Lens

Anyone have any experience and luck with using a Gorillapod with a larger zoom lens, like a Canon 300mm with 1.4x extender? thanks

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April 05, 2009


  Hi Nivia,
I just mounted my Canon 40D with long 70-200mm lens mounted from the lens ring. I seems to be doing fine as far as the tripod holding the equipment level and steady. I have a Giotto ball head mounted on the Gorilla pod rather than the Joby brand as my camera shop won't even carry the Joby heads. Because of the leg construction, there is inherent jiggle that would require one to use a cable release or timed shutter release to avoid camera shake, but the camera is solid and not going to fall over or slowly descend from the weight of the long lens. I've shot with my Canon 5D and a 24-70mm lens with no problems, either. Hope this is helpful.
Kim Adams

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November 04, 2009

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