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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 


Where can i buy Snoots for my Dyna UNI400's?

I havn't bought light modifying equipment before and had a few questions, is it like one size fits all? I've got the dishes for my lights so i'm assuming they should just snap on there no problem. I havn't been able to find any metal coney snoots (which are the only ones i've ever used) at B+H, or Rands (nj) or ritz camera. I havn't looked too much online cause i'm not sure exactly if I need certain sizes or whatever... any help is appreciated.

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April 04, 2009


  This is what i'm looking at... i'm assuming it would fit?

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April 04, 2009

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
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  I got mine from calumet. Check out and Make sure you don't destroy the packaging in case it doesn't fit.

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April 04, 2009


  B&H didn't have any, adorama I still have to check, do you have the Dyna UNI400?

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April 05, 2009

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