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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Kelly S. Dickinson

Suggestions for Upgrading my Camera

I currently have a Canon 300D Rebel camera and I would like to upgrade another Canon camera. I have 4 EOS EF lenses that I would also like to keep on using. I have had my current camera for about 6 years. I do not shoot professional, but I would like a nice upgrade. Any suggestions?

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February 14, 2009

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hello Kelly,
I am assuming you are wanting a DSLR.
If you want a full frame camera you can get a 5D, 5D Mark 2, 1Ds Mk 2 or 3.
For other Canon DSLRs with APS-C (1.6 crop) you can get a 10D through 50D. I currently use a 40D and a 20D. The 40D is a vast improvement over the 20D and now that the 50D is out, you can find great deals on 40D's on Craigslist.
So if $$ is not a concern I would recommend the 5D Mark II for about $2800 but if you are trying to find a less expensive Canon DSLR - I would look at your local Craigslist and check out the 20D, 30D & 40D's and I am sure you will find a great deal. Just be sure to go check out the camera before buying and check how many actuations have been taken and possibly shoot a photo of the sky to look for problems with pixels or spots on the sensor.
You can also buy used from B&H or Adorama that will give you a return or exchange option should you find a problem.
Hope this helps, Carlton

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February 16, 2009


John G. Clifford Jr
  If you want to keep using your EF lenses, you'll need an APS-sensor-equipped dSLR. The 50D is the current top of the heap from Canon with the smaller sensor, so it would be a good choice. As Carlton pointed out, there are some good deals on the 40D also... but look at the reviews here and on; some folks have reported reliability problems with the 40D.

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February 17, 2009


Charlotte K. Lowrie
  As Carlton and John point out, you have a range of choices. But one thing you didn't mention in your original posting is whether the EF lenses you have are all EF or are they EF-S (or a mix of both)? The EF-S lenses are compatible only with the APS-C size sensor that is used in the EOS 40D, 50D, and Rebel XSi (and other Rebel models).

If you have all EF lenses, then they will be compatible with the small-size and full-frame size image sensors on all Canon EOS digital cameras.

I shoot with the 50D and the 5D Mark II and the 1Ds Mark III. All are excellent cameras, so I don't think that you can go wrong. I've also shot with the 40D, and it is a fine and very responsive camera.

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February 18, 2009


Peter K. Burian
  Like Charlotte, I also own the EOS 5D Mk II but perhaps the EOS T1i might be more suitable for you, Kelly.

This latest 15 megapixel EOS Digital Rebel is not available yet but will be soon; $900 US with the 18-55mm lens. (Not sure of the price for the body only.)

It's similar to the more expensive EOS 50D in terms of technology and features.

Cheers! Peter

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April 27, 2009

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