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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Melissa Volker

f/2 lens for Nikon DSLR

I'd like to start using some different lenses. I have a Nikon D40 and would like to get some kind of f/2 lens. Since I am learning still, I'd prefer to keep costs down as I experiment. What brand/kind of lens would be recommended?


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February 11, 2009


Jon Close
  Nikon just announced an new AF-S 35 f/1.8G, but I don't think it will be available for another month or so. Because the D40 does not have an autofocus motor in the camera, only AF-S or similar lenses with built-in focus motors will autofocus on the D40. Other f/2 or wider aperture lenses that will AF on your camera are limited to just the Sigma 30 f/1.4 EX DC HSM, Nikon AF-S 50 f/1.4G, Sigma 50 f/1.4 EX DG HSM, and the $$$$ Nikon AF-S 200 f/2G VR.

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February 11, 2009


John G. Clifford Jr
  If you really want to get good lenses while keeping the cost down, why not pick up a Nikon AI-S 50/1.8 lens, from the 1980s to 1990s?

Yes, it's manual focus and you'll also have to set the aperture manually on the D40 (the D200/D300/etc. will set the aperture automatically). But, you'll get a very good lens for way less than $100.

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February 11, 2009


Melissa Volker
  Thank you both! That's all good information and gives me things to look at.
I have to say, the new nikon is currently listing for only $200 at one place taking pre-orders. I'm wondering why given that all the others seem to go for around 300-400...

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February 11, 2009


Melissa D. Chapman
  I am renting the Nikon 135mm f/2D AF DC lens this weekend to see if I like it.

I have the 50 1.4 and I love it. Good luck with your decision.

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March 17, 2009


Jeffrey R. Whitmoyer
Take a good look at the forums that Shutterbug and PopPhoto have and the discussions on some of the New York based dealers. Broadway in particular advertises at a price point much lower than anyone else. Try to buy the goods at that price and they will try to add this and that on, if you don't go for the add ons they suddenly find themselves out of stock. I'm sure there are other dealers out there that try the same approach. B&H and Adorama are probably the best in terms of honest dealings and customer service.

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March 20, 2009

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