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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Rosemary E. LaValley

Camera purchase

I am ready to buy a new camera. Due to the fact that I have invested so much in lenses for my Canon Rebel XT and find the Canon to be a great camera, I will be buying a new Canon. I have researched and looked at so many reviews that I am now confused. I do not want to buy and then want to buy a new camera again in two years. I am thinking of a full frame camera. I have looked at the 5D and the 5D Mark II. And then there is the XTi, etc. (I know,not a full frame). I am not into video but really like crisp shots. I want to shoot all kinds of photography but I love macro and portrait. This is a hobby but I am a perfectionist. I have a 70-200 L series lens that I love. I feel that maybe my XT does not make full use of this lens. Any suggestions?

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January 17, 2009


Jon Close
  The XT makes great use of the glass of the 70-200L, taking images from the center where it is sharpest, and extending its "reach" compared to use on a 5D. But not of the autofocus. While is has a cross sensor at center, it is standard precision - giving focus just within the depth of focus of the lens's maximum aperture. The latest Rebel XSi (450D) has a cross sensor at the center that gives high precision autofocus (within 1/3 of the depth of focus) with f/2.8 and wider maximum aperture lenses. Same for the 40D and 50D, which also have cross sensors at all the AF points. The 5D and 5D II have the high precision cross sensor at center, plus six hidden/supplemental AF sensors around that center cross that make the AI Servo autofocus more effective.

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January 18, 2009


Rosemary E. LaValley
Thank you so much for taking to time to help me. I truly appreciate it

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January 19, 2009


Charlotte K. Lowrie
  Rosemary, I have or continue to shoot with most of the Canon EOS cameras, and I think that you'll be delighted with the higher resolution of the new cameras.

I like both the 50D (smaller sensor size) and the 5D Mark II. Both are light-weight and easy to use. The 50D offers faster performance than the 5D MkII, but there is also a difference in resolution between the two.

Both cameras need high-quality lenses to deliver the best image resolution and detail, but since you have the 70-200, that lens performs well on both cameras.

You could go to a local camera store and handle both cameras. That will often help you make up your mind (or it does for me).

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February 18, 2009


Annette Leibovitz
  "The 50D offers faster performance than the 5D MkII, but there is also a difference in resolution between the two." I have the 5D and would like to consider getting the 5D MkII. Do you think there is enough of a difference to make this purchase worthwhile? One part that I think would be very helpful is the sensor cleanor. Why do you think the 50D is faster? Is it better in low light?

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March 03, 2009

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