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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Oliver Anderson

Tried the Ray Flash on a 580ex Flash today

So I tried the often talked about Ray Flash today on a Nikon D300 & Canon 580ex. The unit is a ringflash that attaches to your cameras flash. Here is my quick review:
Let me start by saying I was HIGHLY skeptical at first thinking the flash attachment would be a gimmick. Instalation was simple, I easily attached the unit which was surprisingly light weight. The ringflash is GREAT for portrait photographers and wedding photographers since. From 9feet or less this flash does its job and for a fraction of the regular ringflash price and weight. You can easily fit the unit into a camera bag sidepocket and the cost was only $200.

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January 15, 2009


Jon Close
  Thanks, good to know.
"Nikon D300 & Canon 580ex" ??? I assume you simply set the 580EX to manaual output.
Any chance of testing it with the 580EX on an EOS? I assume E-TTL works, but would be interested if the 580EX with a Ray flash attached could still function as the master in a wireless E-TTL setup. Can the Ray flash still effectively transmit the communicating light pulses to the slaves?

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January 16, 2009


Oliver Anderson
  SB800 and the Canon 5D w/580ex...tried it on both flashes Jon. I lost about 1 stop and it was on ETTL with the Canon losing about 1 stop I bet (just an estimate). Most accurate up to 7feet without custom setting the flash and NO hotspots. Yes, the Ray Flash can transmith the light pulses to the slaves...I will try it today to confirm but I'm 99% sure. The price listed was only $200 at a local camera store that is known for GREAT service rather than LOW prices which is great to know. I'm heading into Calumet in SF to buy backdrops so I'll check prices at that major chain today.

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January 16, 2009

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