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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Ariel Lepor

Graduated ND filter

I'm just starting out with sunset photography and I'm having a little trouble with the lighting, seeing as the sky is so much brighter than the foreground. I tried merging photos with different exposure into HDRs but I'm not really satisfied with the results (the attached image is about the best I can do, which is not nearly as good as some photos I've seen).

I'm wondering if it would be better to get the photos right in-camera with some P Cokin graduated ND filters?

And I'm also a little confused about what I need to buy to get a p cokin filter working with the camera (which is 55mm threaded). Is it the 55mm P455 adapter ring, plus the "Cokin ND Graduated Filter Kit P Series" that comes with some different graduated nd filters and a filter holder?

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January 13, 2009


Ariel Lepor
HDR of post-sunset

Ariel Lepor

Trying to attach

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January 13, 2009

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