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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Cindy Wibowo

Does Nikon d90 is fast enough to shoot sport ?

I have plan to buy my first dslr. Im more to take pictures of kids with fast moving & sport.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks !

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January 09, 2009


Jon Close
  Yes, D90 is plenty fast. Very fast autofocus (especially with AF-S "Silent Wave" lenses), virtually no lag between shutter button press and shutter release (only 65 milliseconds), and up to 4.5 frames per second continuous shooting.

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January 09, 2009


Pete H

Like everything else, your budget will dictate what you will eventually buy.

If your goal is fast moving sports & kids, Nikon's D-300 is far superior in focus aquisition time & focus maintenance in continuous mode. So much so that it's the same focusing system as the Full frame D-3 (Multi-CAM 3500DX ) Probably one of the best focus systems out there today.

Granted; the D-300 is almost twice as expensive, but "ya' getz whatz yuz payz for" if you know what I mean.

As an aside, I read Ken Rockwell's review on the D-90. While I often share Mr. Rockwell's opinions, I think he missed the boat on this one.

While image quality between the D-90 and the D-300 are identical; it is often the small things in life that will drive us photographers crazy.

all the best,


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January 09, 2009


Cindy Wibowo
  Hi Jon & Pete.
Thank you so much for reply.

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January 09, 2009

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