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Photography Question 
- Susan Jane Allen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Jane Allen
Susan Jane Allen's Gallery

Canon 50D, 5D, or 40D? Help!

Been going round and round in circles trying to decide which camera to upgrade to and would appreciate some help here. When I saw the price of the Canon 50D suddenly go down to $1200 in a store here (Yamaguchi (boondocks), Japan) I decided to buy it. Really drooled at the 15 mega pixels! But then, after some research and a heads up from Ken Smith, I got very worried about the number of lemons there seem to be. The guy at my store doesn't speak a word of English. I was asking him if I could keep returning it if I got lemons, until I got a good one and described some of the problems people have been having with it. His answer was yes, with one condition, but not sure I understand that condition, so will return with a friend to translate in a day or so. My only question here is, these lemons that people are getting, are the problems always readily apparent, or have some of you experienced problems only when it's to late to exchange it for another one? Another thing I didn't like was that one has to upgrade to CS4 to access the RAW box--something I'm NOT ready to do.

Next question: Ken suggested I get the 40D which is now about $750 here, but I really wanted at least 12 megapixels and the 40D only has ten. In my research, what I really liked about the 40D was that it is built more sturdily for professionals and with more waterproofing, etc. If I remember correctly, I also liked the fact that it performs well in low light with very good noise levels and that it is very good for sports and action--I like to shoot birds.

Ken also suggested the older, three year old EOS 5d, which has the nice feature of a full-frame sensor, and 12 mega pixels, but which on closer inspection of reviews, doesn't seem to be built as sturdily for the professional (not that I'm professional, but I like sturdy and durable) and has less waterproofing than the 40d, and more significantly, doesn't seem to be designed well for action, ie birds. I don't always do birds--I also like to do a close-up and macro nature and insects. I also like to capture misty weather in the mountains here on rainy days, so like the idea of greater waterproofing.

Last detail, really can't go above about $1200--that already will almost break me. Oh, and one more question, do any of the above have batteries and memory cards compatible with the Rebel XT and are any of them not compatible with the Canon 100-400 L and the Sigma 70-200?

Arrrggg! Would really appreciate some suggestions here. Want to stick to Canon, mostly due to my treasured 100-400 L lens.

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December 16, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Susan,
I have the 40D and looked at the 50D in a store recently and just wasn't impressed enough to make me want to upgrade. I am saving for the 5D Mark 2 instead. I have also read a few forums about problems with the 50D, but they had focusing problems with the 1Ds Mark 3 recently as well. Canon usually gets these bugs worked out fairly quickly but you may just hold off a bit and see how things progress in the coming weeks.
The Rebel, 40D & 50D have 1.6 cropped sensors which will add a bit more reach for the 100-400L (I have this lens as well) where as the 5D is a full frame sensor (24mm x 36mm) which is better for wide angle. Example: a 17mm lens will equate to about 26mm on a 1.6 cropped sensor but a 17mm lens on a full frame is 17mm.
I plan to keep my 40D to use with my longer lenses and use the 5D for landscape/wide angle/portraits. Full frame sensors are also better in low light and the image quality is better as well. And I would not shy away at all from the original 5D, it has been a proven performer for a few years now. Especially if the price drops once the 5D Mark 2 comes out.
Hope this helps - Carlton

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December 16, 2008

- Susan Jane Allen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Jane Allen
Susan Jane Allen's Gallery
  Thanks, it certainly was informative! Had no idea about the "more reach" factor that a sensor can provide! As I do much less landscape work, it sounds like the 40D is a better lens for me. Fantastic gallery you have there! Discovered anothing thing I don't like about the new basic gallery set up--you can't see what camera anyone is shooting with unless you click on comment on the photo and then click on the thumbnail there.

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December 16, 2008

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Hi Susan, I just sent you an e-mail about the crop factor...and the "more reach" topic that Carlton mentioned...

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December 16, 2008

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  That 100-400 lens is nice, isn't it..:-)
I have the 50D. No problems I can see...'course, I've never been able to see noise anyway.

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December 18, 2008

- Susan Jane Allen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Jane Allen
Susan Jane Allen's Gallery
  Yes, Bob, the best purchase I've ever made--thank you, again!

OKAY, I bought the 50D! I called a professional photographer friend in Tokyo and at the moment I called he was on a shoot for a camera company and happened to be with a high level executive and when he heard my question he said he'd ask her and call me back. My question was about all the error and focus problems as well as noise. I realize now that she wasn't aware that the error and other problems have now been taken care of by firmware already installed on cameras you buy now--but anyway she said that if I wasn't a professional that would have a serious problem if I had to send it back to get things straightened out, then it was worth the purchase. I have also since learned that the firmware doesn't address anything related to noise.
WELL, my first shooting experience was disastrous in terms of noise and was ready to run back to the shop with it. This is because I had misunderstood why exactly its noise performance was being praised to the skies. It seems there was a lot of anxiety about how it could perform comparatively noise-wise with the 40D due to its 50% increase in pixel count. So basically what the rave is, is that it performs AS WELL noise-wise as the 40D despite the dramatic increase of pixels.

The reason why I was panicked when I got home with it that first night, was because I assumed I could hand hold and shoot at high ISO levels in low light--and was then astonished by the HORRIBLE noise, as well as the fact that without a tripod the pics didn't come out well. I was expecting miracles.

Another point to remember is that when you view noise at 100% on the computer screen, due to the high pixel count, when printed, any noise and artifacts appear much smaller with the 50D.

So, the 50D doesn't work miracles, per se, in terms of noise and being able to shoot in low light without a tripod, but I suspect its other features certainly make it worth it. I'm still not sure because I don't have much experience shooting indoors and now that I have time to get out with it, it's been raining and rain and clouds are predicted for the next four days! Sigh.

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December 21, 2008

- Susan Jane Allen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Jane Allen
Susan Jane Allen's Gallery
  BTW, Bob, are you tired of your 180 Macro L yet? Let me know when you are!

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December 21, 2008

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  Not tired of the 180L yet. I really like it.
And, thanks for the info on the 50D. I'm one of those who doesn't recognize noise... :-(

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December 21, 2008

- Susan Jane Allen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan Jane Allen
Susan Jane Allen's Gallery
  So, take a look at this. I'm sure you'll recognize the noise in this! If not, you might consider a hearing aid...

Very sad about the 180L, guess I'll have to wait until they come out with a 200L?

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December 21, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Is that a different Carlton, or did Carlton get a new hat?

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December 22, 2008


Oliver Anderson
  You can tell by the photo Carlton just got a hair cut, probably for the Holidays!!!!

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December 24, 2008

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