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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Melanie J. Tinsley

Basic Studio Lighting

I'm looking for some good advice about what kind of lighting I would need for an event. I'm photographing a small dance and we want to set up an area to take pictures of couples and groups of people. It will be kind of like an old high school dance! What would you suggest I need for this type of situation?
I also live in Tacoma, WA. Does anyone have any idea where I could rent lighting and backdrops?

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November 16, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Monolights with softboxes like stripbanks from Chimera would be my choice. Look at Bowens, Calumet, Speedotron, Norman, and even Alien Bees.
For backdrops, try Glasers in Seattle or some stage lighting supply house in Los Angeles. They rent backdrops or just buy one online.

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November 16, 2008


Devon McCarroll
  Senior Photo
Senior Photo
Nikon D80, Nikon SB-600 (wireless) with 48" silver umbrella on camera left, 48" white reflector to right of model.

Devon McCarroll

Hi Melanie!
Depending on the largest group size, if you're not talking about more than 3-4 people, you can work with alot less. I don't have studio lights yet, and I've photographed up to three people using my Nikon SB-600 flash wirelessly. I shoot into a silver umbrella, and have an assistant hold a large white reflector on the other side. I've attached a senior portrait I did this way.
If you do want to rent though, Glazers would be a good place to go (I live in the Seattle area too). You also might want to check Kenmore Camera to see if they rent lights.
Good luck!

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November 18, 2008

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