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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Scott McCord

OMG, What Did I Do?

Well, I just bought the new 50D. Certainly wasn't planning on it yet, but I had a terrible accident with my equipment this weekend.

While hiking in a park to do some landscape photography, my camera pack slipped off my shoulder and tumbled down a 30-foot cliff. My heart climbed into my throat a little more with each bounce off of the boulders.

When I got down to my camera bag, I reluctantly opened it to find my 40D, battery grip and 24-70/2.8 destroyed - roughly $3000 worth of equipment.

And what's worse is that I'm still paying for that equipment and now paying for new equipment. Hopefully Canon will be able to repair it.

Hopefully insurance will come through, but it's not looking promising. It's amazing how many technicalities are involved with insurance coverage.

Lesson learned: Make sure your camera bag is securely fastened to you when in extreme environments.

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October 29, 2008


Bob Cammarata
  That sounds like a traumatic experience Scott!

This reminds me of when I'd casually laid down a Nikon film body with a motor drive and a $900 lens in an unstable position and it started tumbling end over end down a rocky embankment and ended up in a stream.

My motordrive was trashed and the camera body required a $200 repair job at Nikon but the lens...miraculously, survived with only cosmetic damage.
(That was five years ago and I'm still using that lens today.)

In another instance...when I was re-positioning on a boardwalk through a southern swamp, I'd forgotten that one of my tripod legs was adjusted longer than the other two and my tripod started tipping over...heading for the water.
Mounted to the 'pod was a body, a fully extended bellows, and a rather expensive macro lens.
Luckily a nearby cyprus tree broke the fall and kept everything from plunging into the muddy swamp.
My bellows literally wrapped around that tree but everything survived with no damage except for a few scuff marks.
( about tough!)

Photography is more that just an expensive's an adventure!
Hopefully, we end up learning a little along the way.

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October 29, 2008


Scott McCord
  Woah, so that was a view camera you almost lost in the swamp. I would have passed out on the spot!

And, there's nothing like spending $1100 on a lens that you already had just a few days ago.

Hopefully, it can be repaired, but since I have two weddings in the next two weekends, I just couldn't wait.

I tell you, I felt like banging my head on the rocks yelling out, "Stupid, stupid!"

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October 29, 2008


Oliver Anderson
  I hate hiking with my girlfriends because they slip off cliffs all the time and I have to get a new model everytime....JK I hate hiking.
Scott, you could've rented the equipment while you wait for the repair news. ahhhh the 50D is great but the 24-70 aughhhh love mine.

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October 29, 2008


Gail R. Schuett
  Scott,so sorry for your loss!! ouch.
My camera and lens is not worth nearly the amount that yours was/is..however it cost me only $20.00 per year (canadian) for a rider on my insurance policy for ANY damages/losses.
That figure is based on $1,100 replacement cost..just thought I'd share that with you.Gail

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October 30, 2008


Scott McCord
  I have insurance on the equipment through my business, but they're saying it could be up to six months before everything is complete and they pay out.

Even when I told them this was my main camera (and my main source of income) it didn't seem to matter...and my mother is my insurance agent! Guess her hands are tied.

Insurance companies can really mess with you. My friend had an adjuster come out and look at wind damage to her roof. She opted not take the insurance money because of her deductible. Then six months later she had significant wind damage and was cancelled because of too many claims. She had two within a year, including the one where she did not take the payout. But the insurance company considered it a claim because they had to send the adjuster out and the adjuster requires a salary (that was what the company told her, anyway).

So this time, I bought the store protection plan which will replace equipment even if dropped. Therefore, I will avoid another claim on my insurance.

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October 30, 2008

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