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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Kari Strube

Canon 50mm F1.8 vs 85mm F1.8

I bought the canon 50mm lense when I bought my camera. I have been doing a little research, and now I'm told that my indoor pics will be better with the 85mm lense instead. I do ALL portrait shots of family and friends, for a hobby, and want the best pictures of my little girl as she grows!! I do outdoor pictures for now until winter comes, then most of my pictures will be inside. WIll there be much of a difference in lense to justify buying the 85mm?? I was told the 85mm will do alot better with the indoor light, etc.

Natural light is my favorite but our house is not very natural light friendly!! So I would love something that excels in indoor shots. Also I was told to get the Canon Speedlite 430, to help as well.

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October 16, 2008


Kari Strube
  I should say that I have the Canon XTI and my other and only lense is the 18-55mm.

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October 16, 2008


Pete H

A 1.8 is a 1.8. There is no difference in the light gathering ability of these two lenses.

The 85mm will give more pleasing results for people pics due to a little flattening of image.


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October 17, 2008


  Since the 85mm f/1.8 was designed as a portrait lens, it may have a sharper edge when the lens is wide open at f/1.8. But use it on a 1.6x crop camera, it is like a 135mm on a full frame camera and may be a little too long for indoor portrait use. If space is not a concern, then this is a very good lens because it is a better build, faster focus and has full-time manual focus ability. Hope this helps.

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October 17, 2008


Oliver Anderson
  I love the 85mm 1.8, you'll love it but it'll be best outdoors cause you're gonna need some room. If you've got the 50 already the 85 would be a fine addition. The 85mm 1.8 is superior quality lens than your 50mm 1.8, it's 50mm equivalent is the 50mm 1.4.

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October 18, 2008


Kari Strube
  Okay, so the 85mm would be an upgrade to my 50mm. The only other lense I have is 18-55 which came with my camera. So should I get the 85mm or is there an other lense I should consider first for portraits....i do both outdoor and indoor for a hobby.

Your responses are always GREATLY appreciated!!!

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October 18, 2008


Oliver Anderson
  If I had your camera I'd own the 17-40L because I used it constantly with my 1.6sensor camera's...not the best for portraits but a fantastic lens all the same.

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October 18, 2008

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