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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Problems with digital back

I am looking to find a multi shot large format digital back and chip, does anyone have any good suggestions?

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October 09, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Google it. Look for brands like Leaf or Sinar. The have medium format backs, don't know if they have large.

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October 09, 2008


robert G. Fately
  Tonya, the first thing to know is what kind of back do you want? I assume you want something to fit on the back of a view or field (sheet film) camera, but I also presume you know the largest digital chips made are quite tiny in comparison - 36x48MM is about the largest there is. So, to Greg's point, you can find a Leaf or Sinar digital back originally designed for a medium format camera and use an adapter to use it on the large format camera. Of course, this will only utilize a 1.5 by 2 inch area of that 4x5 (or 8x10, or whatever) so it might not be what you meant.

There are also digital backs made for view cameras that are essentially flatbed scanners repurposed to the task. These puppies fit into the camera like your current film holder, but are tethered to a computer. They are also not made for action shots - the "exposure" is not all at once but takes time for the scanner bar to progress along the length of the unit. They are used in studio photography, for product shots and other still-life type subjects.

I recall Betterlight as having made these kinds of backs - but others may as well. So while your Googling, check out "digital scanning back" or something like that.

Hope that helps

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October 09, 2008


Oliver Anderson
  Know the Bed, Bath Beyond photographer uses Sinar and loves it. I used LEAF in LA and it was great...lots of pro's using both. Are you really sure what you're looking for...what type images you shooting? Give us more info and we can point you in a more precise direction.

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October 09, 2008

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