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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 


how to shoot jewelry

I am a jewelry artist working with natural stones and crystals. I have a desktop studio cube and lighting but I am getting nowhere with my Kodak easyshare dx7590. I bought a telephoto lens for it (only option) which is not what I need, I guess I need a macro lens which means I need a whole new camera. What reasonably priced digital camera and macro lens would you recommend for use soley in photographing jewelry? How would the set up change if I am shooting a crystal bracelet versus a nonreflective piece (like a turquoise bracelt for example)?

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September 25, 2008


John H. Siskin
  Opal and Diamond Pendant on Quartz
Opal and Diamond Pendant on Quartz

John H. Siskin

Hi Najia,
There are a wide variety of cameras from Nikon and Canon, all the dSLRs that will do this if you buy a macro lens. Don’t buy a full frame cameras, and get about a 60mm lens and you will be ok on the camera.

Then you will discover that your real problem is lighting. Jewelry is very difficult to light because the metal does best with a large light source like your cube, while faceted stones do well with hard light sources. You will need several lighting tools, particularly diffusers reflecting cards and very small snoots or grid spots. Keep in mind that jewelry is a difficult photographic specialty, expect it to take some time to get good at this. Musician practice, photographers should practice too. Thanks, John Siskin

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September 26, 2008

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