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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Erika L. Ward

What lens should I use?

Hello everyone. I have a Nikon D40 with a Nikon AF-S Nikkor 18-55mm, a digital high definition 2x telephoto lens, a digital high definition 0.5x wide angle lens, and a Nikon AF Nikkor 70-300 mm. I have lots of problems when using my 70-300. I would like to get close up on my subject but I cannot get the picture clear enough even when I use a tripod. I was wondering if anyone has an suggestions on this? I also would like to know what lens would be the best when taking portraits? I'm opening up my own business and I'm not sure on what lens would work the best. If anyone has any advice on what lens to use when taking wedding photos or what other lenses seem to work well with a Nikon D40 I would greatly appreciate all the help that I can get. Thank you very much for your time everyone.

Take care and God bless,
Erika Berryman

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August 19, 2008

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