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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Kevin G. Draper

Lens Hoods

I was just wondering if anyone could let me know if it matters what brand or style of lens hood I buy.

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August 01, 2008


doug Nelson
  It matters more for zooms, as the hood must be designed to provide shade at both ends of the zoom range.

For my prime lenses, I soon got tired of beating the bushes for the specific mfr lens hood at the ridiculous prices charged by Leica, and the created scarcity of Canon hoods. I use whatever fits, with the appropriate outward flare for wide angle, and the right length for a standard or tele.

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August 01, 2008


Oliver Anderson
  Even Ritz sells some cool rubber ones that you screw on and extend when you want....just bring the lenses in and they'll hook you up.

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August 01, 2008


R K Stephenson
  For wide-angle lenses it is also important to find a hood designed for the lens.

The hood made for Canon's 24-105, for example, will fit on the 10-22 (both are 77mm) but at 10mm you will see part of the lens hood in the frame. ;^/



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August 04, 2008

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