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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Marquee Smith

D-SLR Camera Warranty

Help please...I am looking to buy a Canon 40D soon. Every company offers an extended or service warranty. What options should I expect or look for in a warranty? The price of the camera is pretty even across the board but the warranty varies greatly and some discriptions are very vauge. I have looked at waranties from the following companies: B&H, Wolf Camera(Ritz) and Circuit City.

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August 01, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Extended warranties on anything are unnecessary. The regular warranty is enough for a faulty made product.
And the vast majority of problems that arise in a product come even after the time of an extended warranty.

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August 01, 2008


Marquee Smith
  Thank you Gregory!! I felt that way but my husband is a warranty junkie and everytime I mention the camera pricing he would ask about the warranty. My biggest concern is getting a good internal cleaning every once in a while and from what I understand I can go to Canon in NJ and have it done. I hope your response will help ease his concerns - I have to appease him since he is buying it for me. Thank you again!

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August 01, 2008


Oliver Anderson
  Canon's warranty is 1 year, retailers will try to sell you the extended Mack(sp) warranty but your camera is covered the 1st year by the manufacturer...if somethings wrong you'll discover it right away usually. Canon will clean you sensor for free for the life of the camera in NJ.

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August 01, 2008

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