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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Debbie Crowe

my canon stock lens - no good?

I have a Digital Rebel XTI and now have bought 3 nice Canon lens so far, and the input on here helped guide me on those purchases. I could not be more thrilled with my macro, wide angle, and long lens (70-300). However, over the past year, I have heard comments about the stock lens that comes with this camera for everyday generic pictures. It came with the standard 18-55 lens. I have been told there are much better "standard" lens for everyday picture taking and this one is the low end. Is this true? Are there better lens than this and do they only make you see a better picture thru the lens because of the glass or do they actually take better pictures?
Thank you.

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July 25, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Yes there are better lenses that get you better pictures. A side by side comparison of pictures would be evident. But it came with the camera so no big deal.

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July 25, 2008

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Debbie, you should check out Canon's L series lens..see link below:

A good general purpose lens I use is the L series 24-105mm zoom...Here's a review:

Of course, be prepared to start spending some bucks...

I did some comparisons with my old kit lens...the 18-55mm and my new L the same f stop, focal length, ISO, etc. Big difference!

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July 25, 2008


Debbie Crowe
  Ken, I have been looking at this site for a week + now. This sure is a nice lens. Thanks for the links, very helpful. I am thinking I will end up with this lens very soon. I really like the range. Thanks so much for the info.

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August 07, 2008

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