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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Jessica A. EVers

How to usb flash drives work?

I'm still new to the digital photography but I remember reading about a way to upload your memory of your memory card onto something why your out in the field so you can use more of your memory is that what the usb flash drive is or do I need something else

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July 19, 2008


Nobu Nagase
Flash drive does not have the power to drive by itself without a computer. So it won't do without a laptop computer or battery powered storage device when you are out in the field.

I believe what you are thinking about is called "portable storage" which powered by a set of batteries.
Do a search on BP or Google for "portable storage".
Epson P-3000 or P-5000 are a couple of these devices. One is 40GB and other is 80GB storage unit that work well but they are still a bit pricey. Apple's IPOD is another often mentioned. This type of device also has 3.5 or 4 inch LCD viewing screen as well as providing you plenty of storage space.

Because memory cards are cheaper now that, instead of using portable storage devices I, for one, carry extra memory cards. When I travel, I take about four or five 4gb CF cards and two 2gb CF cards for 7 to 10 day travel.

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July 19, 2008


Jessica A. EVers
  thanks yea I just thought they werent' that expensive my memory cards are still pretty expensive and was looking for another alternative.

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July 19, 2008

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