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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Linda Kessler

best compact digital camera

I am looking to supplement my gear with a compact digital camera. I have used Canons and Kodak, but have read about Fuji and the rave seems to be the Panasonic Lumix. I am looking for short shutter lag, wide/zoom lens, could in low light, high ASA, many megapixels, and small/light. This is primarily for a trip to Ireland and England, to supplement my professional cameras as well, which are Nikons and Leica (non-digital.)



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July 15, 2008


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Linda,

Last summer, planning a trip to Paris and Rome I chose the Nikon S4 6 mega pixel with 10x zoom. For me, one key point for a travel camera, it must operate on AA batteries. This one fills the bill in every category but one, it has no viewfinder, and one is totally dependent on the LCD viewing screen. This proved to be nearly worthless in bright light. I still like the camera.

Next trip is a cruse New York – Boston – Newfoundland – down the St. Lawrence to Quebec City. This time a Canon S5. It operates on 4 AA batteries, has a fantastic 12x zoom + 4x more electronic zoom. All sorts of modes + an accurate electronic viewfinder that works in sunlight. I indulged myself with a screw on supplemental wide angle. My only complaint, it’s too big for a pocket camera. Anyway, it’s my choice for this summer. About $300 for the camera and $50 for the supplemental.

Alan Marcus

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July 15, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  The Canon G9 12 MP camera seems to be a favorite backup.

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July 15, 2008


Oliver Anderson
  I just bought a Canon G9 for the same reasons...the reviews are pretty great and supposedly there is a setting called, "Super Duper Images" guaranteeing spot on images everytime....OK so I'm fibbing a little but the camera is a awesome point & shoot I hear. I get mine on Thur.

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July 15, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  Oliver, have you noticed that you can see the lens protruding in the viewfinder? That would bother me!

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July 16, 2008

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