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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Gloria Pidwerbecki

Suggestions for Digital P&S with High Zoom & ISO

Hi all!

I currently have a Canon XTI DSLR, great f2.8 lenses & accessories and am looking for an additional digital point & shoot that has 8+ MP, at least 5x zoom and a high ISO cabability (like 3200) because I photograph local bands in bars and sometimes I can't manouver the DSLR in the crowds. On a whim I picked up the Pentax M50 because of some of the cool extra features (smile capture, high ISO and panoramic capability), but after developing the pics, I am totally not happy with the quality and when you turn the camera to take a portrait shot in bright sunlight, the screen goes black (frustrating).

I want to keep it as small as possible so I can just whip it out when I need it.

Outside of the band pics, I am into landscape photography and macro photography. Quite a range, eh? (yes, I'm Canadian)

Anyone have any suggestions for me? Ideally, in summary, I'd like a compact with 8+MP, 5+X Zoom (Optical), Anti-shake/Vibration Reduction, High (but clear/not pixilated) ISO capability (over 2000, more like 3200).

Wish list options are face recognition, panoramic capability, manual capability, view finder.

I've tried to research on-line on this website and others, but can't seem to search by my criteria enough not to have to go through hundreds of camera options.

Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, friends!

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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July 05, 2008

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