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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Brian McDonald

Sandisk Ultra II, Extreme III or Extrme IV?

Hi all. I am in the need to buy a new compact flash card for my new dslr-a200. I am just wondering if there is any real speed difference between the cards above and if so, if it is something I would really notice. I am a very amateur photographer and will be mostly using the camera for family stills, vacations, etc. I would like to use the continuous shooting mode for kids sporting events, local air shows and nature landscapes. Because of the continuous shooting, should I get the fastest card possible or will the ultra II or extreme III do the job. Thanks in advance for the help.

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July 03, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  The two cards I use with my Alpha A100 are the 1 gig Lexar and the 2 gig Lexar. These are very inexpensive cards that suit your purpose well.

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July 06, 2008


Pete H

For the camera in question, you can purchase ANY card w/o any noticeable difference in write speed.

The CF/SD card speed depends on more than just the card's write speed.
The camera plays a major role here as well.

Currently, I believe the fastest cards are (UDMA (Ultra Direct Memory Access).

You would need a camera that supports these blazing speeds; the A200 does not.

all the best,


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July 06, 2008

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