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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

Angela E. Wright

Ever seen one of these flashes?

a photo of the flash I am talking about

Angela E. Wright

anyone familiar with this type of a flash? would this be good for candid portrait photography? Its up for auction at Ebay and this is what it says about it:

"This incredible "Soft-Light" flash will mount onto any digital camera hot shoe or can be used as a off camera flash.

These units offer an innovative approach to soft flash lighting in the studio. No more need for bulky softboxes. These super slim units are ideal for use in small studios where space is limited. On location set-up time is dramatically reduced with no softbox to assemble.

New long-life linear flash tubes and flicker-free dimmable daylight modeling lamps are among the innovative features of these units, making them ideally suited for use with both digital and conventional cameras.

High light yield, from new long-life linear flash tubes.
Uniform, soft illumination.
Cold operation daylight modeling lamps
Flicker-free dimmable modeling lamps
Long-life modeling lamps (over 8000hrs)
Dual super sensitive slave units for trouble free synchronization.
Very convenient for product Photography"

Any input I could get would be great...I am a novice when it comes to flashes...

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August 26, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  that's too small to provide softlight past a few feet.
it wouldn't be good for candid. If it tilts, you could use it in the hotshoe for macro.

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August 26, 2004

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