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Category: Digital Cameras and Accessories

Photography Question 

John P. Roberts, Jr.

Best Camera for larger prints

I am considering an upgrade from my current 4MP camera. I am considering either the Canon Powershot Pro 1, or the Canon Digital Rebel. All other differences aside, which should produce better 16x20 enlargements: the 6MP SLR, or the 8MP compact? Why?

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August 25, 2004


Jon Close
  The Digital Rebel will produce much better enlargements. Even though it is 6mp instead of 8mp, it has much lower noise at every ISO setting. Secondly, the digital sensor of the DRebel is about 6 times larger than the one used in the PowerShot S1 (22.7mm x 15.5mm v. just 8.8mm x 6.6mm). Thus the lens becomes a limiting factor. To capture the same level of detail, the S1's lens would have to have 6 times the resolution of the lens used on the DRebel. The S1's "L" lens is very good, but not that good.

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August 25, 2004


Randy Kinney
  Great response from Jon.

Here are a few links to help you explore more and understand some of the issues of pixel/sensor/resolution.

The first link is a side-by-side comparison:

This link is to a resolution chart from the EOS300:

This link is to a resolution chart from the pro1:


Sensor size:

Effective Pixels:



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August 25, 2004


John P. Roberts, Jr.
  Thanks for the help. Both answers cleared things up for me.

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August 25, 2004

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