BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 


Slides made into prints +enlargements

My question is about getting my slides made into prints. . . and then enlarged. I have done this before via laser processing and have been very happy. . I cannot remember who I used, however. Do any of you folks have some companies that you could recommend. My usual pro lab (to whom I take my negative/print work) does not do an especially good job on slides to prints. Thanks. DKC

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May 05, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean by laser processing. If you mean lightjet prints then I can tell you who I use. I send my transparencies to West Coast Imaging to be drum scanned and output on a Lightjet laser printer onto Fuji Crystal Archive paper. You can check them out online at

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May 05, 2002

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