BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

black and white photo development

I found an old roll of black and white film (10 years old). I would like to get it developed. Would regular developing place work, or is there somewhere special I should take it to try and get photos out?

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August 31, 2007


Jon Close
  Depends on the make/type of black & white film. Ilford (SFX-400?) and Kodak (BW400CN and other names) both made a C-41 process b&w film that was processed in the same chemicals as color print film. Otherwise, traditional black and white films (Kodak T-MAX, Tri-X, Plus-X etc.) have a specific chemical process that you either do your self or find a specialty lab that will do it.

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August 31, 2007


Mary E. Heinz
  Hi, I had this done for was color film "disc" from the 80's ..
just do a "google" search for


I think they would do color / Black and white...they did a good job; not they're very nice.

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September 06, 2007

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