BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Mary L. Lemley

Color of photo too blue after scan.

Iv'e been trying still life's with flowers, outside in late afternoon in shade. Until now working great. It seems scanning and (shade) turn pic. way more blue. I was just wondering if it's color of material used or something else. Soft greens and petals on flowers blue after scan.

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April 20, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  You should make sure that your scanner has a proper color profile (RGB), make sure it is properly picking up colors. Also make sure your screen isn't simply too blue. What are the shades when printed?

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April 21, 2007


Mary L. Lemley
  Thanks for your input!! I can change hue or pick color correction on scanner. It's an Epson. I'm so used to landscapes or just "seasonal" shots and have never used certain color fabrics outside, but I seemed to be "obsessed" with FLOWERS these days!!!!!!!

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April 22, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  So maybe you can correct the scanner so it appears right. I've noticed that some of the tulip shots at the top of your gallery do seem too blue/green, but remember, you also have to make sure your screen is properly calibrated. You can also correct images after scanning them with most photo programs. (I recommend Helicon Filter, but you can use Picasa for really easy edits. If you're already using Photoshop, that's great.)

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April 22, 2007

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