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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Plus X 125 or Tri X 400 for indoor flash photos

I'm confused! I'm shooting a friend's wedding this weekend, indoors w/ flash and don't know what film speed to use. I was told to buy 400 speed, then someone else said Plus X 125 is the best choice when shooting indoor with a flash...which one do I use?? Will 125 work indoors w/ flash or is it too slow?

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January 08, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  To confuse you even more, try shooting Tri-X at 250 ISO and getting it processed in either Rodinal or T-Max R.S. developer.

I use both types of film, mostly Tri-X at various ISOs for documentary work and shooting theatrical productions, indoors and out, with and without a strobe or flash, but then it depends on both the level of your ambient light indoors and of course the output of your electronic flash. I use a Vivitar 285HV or Nikon SB800 both on a Quantum Turbo Battery or with an Underdog Battery.

If you're not going to huge prints, like any larger than 8x10, go with the Tri-X and pull it a third of a stop to increase the contrast a bit. Shoot for the shadow detail and have it processed for the highlights, as I said, even 250 ISo should be swell as long as they (Or you) use those two kinds of developers. For larger prints, sure, Plus-X or Ilford FP 4 is fine. There's some great stuff called Efke B&W made in Europe sold by B&H which is excellent both in contrast and tonal range. It's available in 35mm 36 exposures, at ISO 25, 50, 100, 200 400 or even 3200. Very nice film.

Also, if you're shooting indoors under incandescent lighting without flash, use a yellow filter to clean up the whites.

Good luck Shanna. Sounds like you might need it.

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January 08, 2007


Mark Feldstein
  Sorry...forgot. If you're buying your film locally, make sure each roll has the same batch number and it's long dated.

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January 08, 2007

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