BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Deluxe Web Sites

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Web sites

In the Premium galleries you can not download an image, but in the web sites it is very easy. How would I protect my images if I get a Deluxe Web Site?

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April 18, 2006


Sylvia Rossler
  Hi Akiva

The protection in the Premium galleries is not perfect, you can not download by right mouseclick but there are other easy ways. I don't think there is any save method to keep thieves away from steeling your pictures. The only protection you can have is too opload medium quality/resolution photos on your website that can not be enlarged that much.. I hope I explained this right because my english is sometimes a kind of rusty :O)

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April 18, 2006


Peter Hundley
  Sylvia is right. Anything that can be seen on the web can be lifted, and it doesn't even take a lot of knowledge. That's just part of life in the digital age...

I sure wouldn't put full size, high resolution files on a web site. But I'm pretty comfortable with 500x750 on BP. Of course, I probably don't have to worry anyway, don't think there's much "resale value" in my stuff!

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April 18, 2006

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