BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Deluxe Web Sites

Photography Question 

Michele Wassell

Need help.....

I am putting together my deluxe website and am not sure how to do a few things.

1. How can I add a URL link to a gallery page?

2. How do I change the color of text under the gallery descriptions on the galleries page?

3. Is there a way to add a border around each image without deleting it and re-uploading it to BP?

Thank you all for your time and help. I really do appreciate it. :)


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March 02, 2006


Nancy C. Cassell
  Hi Michele,

I just got a website through BP, too. I have the same problems with the font color that you do. We are not able to change the font color, size, or style. This is their new design. Other people who have earlier websites were able to make changes to their font under site design. I have shared my issues with Heather at BP. I forwarded her your link, so she could see the problem with the black font on the lighter black/dark grey background. You may contact her directly:

heather at

I wish you the best,


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March 06, 2006


Michele Wassell
  Thank you so much Nancy. Its been frustrating the last week or so as Amy used to help me, but apparently she is on maternity leave and now I can't get any help or a hold of anyone through email the last two weeks. Its strange, but I hope to hear from someone soon.

This problem with the font is just recent. When I first got the site, about beginning of January, I didn't have this issue with the font on the gallery page in the descriptions.

Thanks again and good luck to you. :)


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March 06, 2006


Nancy C. Cassell
That is strange that your font was okay in January and then they changed it. It seems like there were good things about the other design and options. I looked at the samples before purchasing and didn't see the font problems. I also looked at the other members websites. I thought I would be able to change the fonts, as well as have buttons across the top or the left side. Many of the other member's sites have rectangular buttons with large white font. There were some cool font styles, too! Overall, I am disappointed with BP. I am not going to send a potential client to my site with the way it looks now. I'm holding off on business cards. We'll see if they resolve this.

Take Care,

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March 06, 2006


Michele Wassell
  I spent a lot of time with Amy through emails asking questions and trying to decide which way to go,etc as I loved my website I had at the time, but needed to upgrade to something that would allow me to expand my galleries, etc and I really liked BP. I went through a TON of others Deluxe sites and a few of the Pro Deluxe and I really liked what I saw. It seems like a lot of ppl really change things around, but I was never able to figure out just how, although, I am very, very novice at this website stuff.

I don't know what happened to the font issue and why it became difficult to read.

I am now trying to email the last two business days to Julie to see who to go through for website help. I might even try Jim M. if I don't get a response soon and make a complaint about lack of help.

My computer crashed and I lost a lot of "good" emails and one of them was from a site technician (I think) of BP. I am going to try to find his email and see what I can get from him in regards to help, etc. I will keep you posted.

Its nice to know I am not the only one with web issues here. Although, I am very sorry you are having problems too.


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March 06, 2006


Michele Wassell
  Update.... I just got off the phone with Heather as she called me to let me know that she was responding to all my emails but I wasn't recieving them due to a blocked alias on my part. So BP was not ignoring my emails as I mentioned above or possibly thinking.

Nancy, I emailed you with the solution on font changing that you need to add your own HTML color code into the areas you want font color changed.


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March 07, 2006

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