BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Deluxe Web Sites

Photography Question 

Bing Yang

Printing Margins

I am wanting to print photos on 8.5x11 photo paper. The margins always come out uneven, namely the top margin of a portrait photo is 1/16", and the bottom 5/8". How do I change this? I use XP, and Photoshop CS2. I can't figure out where to go to change it. Help!


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September 12, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
  I suspect you are working with a smaller image file in CS2, and then allowing your printer to place it on 8.5x11 paper.
Better to open an 8.5x11 file in CS2 with the same resolution as your image file, then drag your image file over it while holding down the Shift key. This will center the image over the 8.5x11 file.
Printing this new file should force your printer to print it out the way you want.

I believe you have not set up your printer properly, which is the cause of the misalignment. I cannot help you there, as I print with Epson printers. However, setting up a complete sheet in CS2, as I described above should solve your immediate problem.
Michael H. Cothran

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September 13, 2005

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