BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Deluxe Web Sites

Photography Question 

Cathy Barrows

Help! With New BP Web Site

Is there a way to transfer your images from your gallery to your web site?

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January 30, 2005


BetterPhoto Member
  Hi Cathy, Unfortunately you will have to reupload your images to your deluxe website. When you upload images to betterphoto or to a member gallery, we resize them, add a border, and then save it in a compressed format. The Deluxe websites use different borders. The only way we could convert them to work on a deluxe site would be to somehow trim off the existing borders, resize the image again, and save it again in a
compressed format. The image quality would suffer too greatly with all the
resizing and multiple saves in a compressed format. Please let me know if you have further questions.
Heather Young
heather at

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January 30, 2005

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