BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Deluxe Web Sites

Photography Question 

Carolina K. Smith

Disable Right Clicking

I know that disabling right clicking does not stop theft of your photos from those who really want to do it, but it DOES discourage some, else why would Better Photo offer it on their Deluxe Websites? So I use it. But I recently discovered that this only applies to Internet Explorer. Those who use Netscape or FireFox (Mozilla) have no problem right clicking, even if you have disabled it on the Deluxe Website. (a Java script ?)
Is there any way you can change this so that there is more effective 'discouragement' to download ones photos?

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December 30, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  You get a visit from some guy named Tony?
Watermark it. Or I've heard of some softwares that can either make it more difficult to download, or insert a code into the file that when it's downloaded, the image that comes out on the other end is not viewable correctly. Can also keep track of where the attempted download is coming from.
Don't know what they are, so you'll have to try to find that out on your own.

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December 30, 2004


Damian P. Gadal
  Firefox gets around all of this... So, if you're concern, watermaking is the way to go... (sorta)

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December 30, 2004


Kip T. Berger
  I think you should watermark your photos you upload that are important, and keep the original with the exif info in a safe place in case you need to show the picture was taken by you. Other option is to only upload small images at low res. as examples.

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December 30, 2004


Carolina K. Smith
  Thanks, BUT, I understand my options.
I am asking the Better Photo Staff directly what THEY can do on their side, since they manage the Deluxe Web Sites.

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December 30, 2004


Damian P. Gadal
  If it's on the NET, it's fair game - seems like it would be up to the photographer to protect their work and practice safe uploading....

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December 30, 2004


JAMK Photography
  My friend has Netscape and I had him right click one of my photos but the right click did not work. I guess BetterPhoto must have fixed that problem.


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January 24, 2005


Beau Hudspeth Photography

Beau Hudspeth Photography

Nope. It is still there.

In Firefox, if you right click on an image you get the popup that states 'no right click please' but you also get the right-click option window above it that allows you to do whatever you want with the image.

Ugg .....

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September 20, 2008

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