BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Yvy Ulibarri

Is there a limit on how many photos are uploaded?

Can anyone tell me if there's a limit on how many photos can be uploaded for each weekly assignment of the photography courses?

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August 14, 2006


Kerry Drager
  Hi Yvy,
Thanks for your interest in BetterPhoto's online courses! Yes, since self-editing is such a valuable part of photography, each instructor puts a maximum limit on the number of images to be critiqued for any given week. The precise number varies from course to course. But good news: Additional non-assignment images can be uploaded for comment into another part of a course's Campus Square (Campus Square being the mini-Web site for each class). Hope this answers your question, Yvy!

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August 14, 2006


Yvy Ulibarri
  Thank you for the prompt reply. It was very helpful!

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August 15, 2006

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