BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

teresina m. wheaton


I would like to take several of the classes offered, but while reading I saw that you need either Elements or photoshot cs or cs2. My computer at this time will not support either of the ones mentioned above. The one I have is very limited. Can you do the classes without anyway to change the pictures?

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January 30, 2006


Denyse Clark
  Which classes are you considering? I've taken 3, and for the first 2 of them I didn't have any photo editing software (except Print Shop Deluxe where I could crop and brighten, that's it). I think there was a lesson or two that dealt with photo editing, but they provided an alternative asignment for us without it.

You can always email Betterphoto guys and ask that specific question, for the classes you want. They're great about getting back to you within a day or so.

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January 30, 2006


Kerry Drager
  Hi Teresina,
Thanks for your interest in BetterPhoto's online courses! Denyse's reply is perfect ... I couldn't have said it better myself :-) (Thanks, Denyse!) Outside of the Photoshop courses, the vast majority of classes don't require a specific program. Still, Teresina, feel free to let me know the specific courses you are interested in, and I'd be happy to advise you!

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January 30, 2006


teresina m. wheaton
  Thanks for the input from you both. The one class that I am looking at is the Wedding photo class. My niece is getting married in May and I would like to take photos there even though she has hired someone to do the shots. My sister would like me to take some of the pictures also. The other is creative photo or learning to see creatively. I've taken many shots of different things although animals are one of the things I like best as you can tell in my gallery but it is hard when you see others who have the soft ware to change and make the photos they take look so much better. But for right now these two classes are the ones I would like to take. Thanks again for the insight.

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January 30, 2006


Kerry Drager
  Hi Teresina,
Thanks for the followup!

For Brenda Tharp's excellent "Creating Visual Impact" course, any basic imaging program works.

For Digital Wedding Photography: Although instructor Paul Gero does recommend the full Photoshop for wedding photographers, but for his class, any image processor will work. He also has this excellent advice: "Familiarity with your program is a definite plus."

Incidentally, Jim Zuckerman teaches "How to Photograph Animals and Wildlife" and he's written a book on the subject. Like the other courses noted above, any imaging program will work.

Thanks again, Teresina!

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January 30, 2006

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