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Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Craig m. Zacarelli

photoshop courses

I know Betterphot offers photoshop courses.. but im looking to see if anyone knows of any great online photoshop courses that go beyond just manipulating photos.. touching more on the side of graphic designe. I want to know everything PS CS2 has to offer and I dont want to just learn what I already know. anyone got links? tried searching the web but cant seem to find anything, maybe im looking for the wrong thing? most courses I see say they will show you how to edit photos, well, I can do that! I want to create in PS. I want to learn the fine art of making fine art works in PS. I want to learn all the little secrets... suggestions welcome.
thanks all!

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January 11, 2006


Sherri McGee
  eclictic academy has classes online for $20.

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January 11, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  thanks Sherri, have you taken these classes?
if so, what did you think of them..for 20 bucks, was it worth the time to do?

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January 12, 2006


Sherri McGee
  I have taken 2 of them. PS elements 2 from the ground up and the one that comes after (i forget the name). The teachers critiques are not helpful. they just say "good job doing the assignment". The lessons were well written. I learned a lot. I think the classes were worth $20. the class is similar to buying a book and following along with the lessons. Getting a lesson once a week helps motivate me to get it done.

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January 12, 2006


Connie Deen
  I found some free courses here:
There is a Photoshop CS2 course beginning Jan.19th.

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January 14, 2006


Sherri McGee
  Thanks Connie. I just checked it out. The course starting Jan 19th must be full. I signed up to be notified when a class is available. Have you taken a class with them before? How long are they?

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January 14, 2006


Melinda G. Mendez
  This maybe late but might still interest you...try

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May 06, 2006


Paul Tobeck
  For graphic design help with Photoshop, I would check out and Both have content for graphic designers and links to educational resources.

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May 07, 2006


Richard Lynch

Can you give me a little more on what exactly you are looking for? I am primarily interested in teaching image editing as I find the concreteness of the mechanics relatively easy to the same time I work in graphic design, have done advertising photo development and cover design for books and CDs...I guess I wonder how you seeing design fit in with the more photo-centric approach at -- maybe I can propose something for a 4 week course or for the fall.

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June 05, 2006


Jenny Arndt
I wanted to add my two cents -- I would love a class that focuses on the use of photoshop cs2 in creating art (such as collages), etc. using photography as it's center.

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June 27, 2006

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