BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Best Online Photography Classes

Photography Question 

Jennifer W

worth signing up for a class today?

I just got a birthday present -- the cost of a BP class. But classes start today! Is it worth picking one of the open ones or should I wait 'til the next round? Does it matter about getting started late? (I probably won't be able to sign up 'til later today 'cause that's when I'll have the CC #)


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January 04, 2006


Joe Jarosz
  hi Jennider, I'd go ahead and sign up. You'll still get the full 8 lessons (you would even if you signed up tomorrow!) and the instructors are very good about catching up for students that may be behind. In this case though the first lesson goes out today I believe, which means you'll have a week and a half to submit for the first lesson.


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January 04, 2006


Kerry Drager
  Hi Jennifer,
What a perfect birthday gift!! Oh yes, precisely what Joe says, classes are really just getting started with the first lesson today. So you aren't really "late" at all.

In fact, unlike a "brick-and-mortar" classroom, it's really easy to play catch-up in the virtual classroom ... since all course activity is right there in its own "web site" known as Campus Square. There, you can quickly read any early class discussions, instructor's notes, etc.

So go ahead, Jennifer, sign up, and join the fun ... welcome aboard!

P.S.: Hi Joe ... thanks for jumping in ... much appreciated!

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January 04, 2006


Kerry Drager
  P.S., Part II: Almost forgot: Happy Birthday, Jennifer!

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January 04, 2006


Jennifer W
  Thanks, guys! I'm signing up today! :)
Now to choose one!! "Mastering the Digital Camera and Photography", "Perfect Digital Exposure" and "Fundamentals of Photography Made Easy" are the three I'm looking at. So hard to pick. :) I think Fundamentals *might* be more beginner than I am, but it probably wouldn't hurt to take it. :) But then, I don't want to "waste" my opportunity on a class I've probably already taken in another form somewhere. Decisions, decisions! I'm leaning toward "Perfect Digital Exposure."

Anyone have thoughts on the classes? :)

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January 04, 2006


Kerry Drager
  Hi again Jennifer,
Excellent! Good choices ... just in case you didn't check out each course outline, it can be helpful in making a final decision. Here's a rundown:

Mastering the Digital Camera:

Perfect Digital Exposure:

Fundamentals of Photography Made Easy:

Have fun deciding, Jennifer!

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January 04, 2006


Joe Jarosz
  Ya beat me to it Kerry!!

Jennifer, I took a quick peek at your gallery. Based on what I seen it would be between Mastering the Digital Camera or Perfect Digital Exposure. I haven't taken either but I have taken a few classes by Jim Zuckerman. It looks to me like you seem to have a good grasp of the fundamentals. Peters course is much more about knowing your camera, and I see you got a new Rebel, so really you need to decide if you want to learn about exposure or about your camera. You have to know how to use your camera before you can use it to creatively take great pictures, so you have to decide where you are at with that..Hope this helps,

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January 04, 2006


Kerry Drager
  Hi Joe,
Great decision-making ideas ... thanks for the input!!

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January 04, 2006


Jennifer W
  Thank you very much for all the input! I signed up for Perfect Digital Exposure. I know what my camera has and how to use the various functions 'technically' but not 'practically' -- as in, I know *how* to set the white balance or lock the aperture, but now I need to really know *why* and *when*. :)

Appreciate it, guys! Can't wait to get started. :)

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January 04, 2006

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