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Category: Uploading Photos

Photography Question 

Jana Belcher

Basic Steps of Taking a Class Online

Can you run me through the basic steps of receiving the class and how to send photos back? I am not real familiar with my computer. I do have a scanner.

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September 08, 2002 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
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  Hi Jana,

The way it works is that each week you are emailed a lesson. Or you can read it in a special area of the Web site we call the "Campus Square". You can do this at your convenience and you have 12 days to complete the photo assignment that comes with the lesson.

Once you're done shooting the assignment and scanning your images, you use a Web page to upload your results. The Web page has step by step instructions for doing the uploading.

On the following Monday, your instructor reviews and evaluates your image(s). Most students find these critiques to be a very exciting and helpful part of the course).

All along the way, you can ask questions and discuss issues via the Web site forums and email.

Since you have a scanner, I'll assume you shoot film. As you mentioned, you can scan your favorite prints, slides, or negatives into a digital format. Or you can use a digital camera if you have one.

Hope this helps,

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September 16, 2002

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