BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

Steve McCroskey

How to enter contest

How can I enter a photo in my gallery into the contest?
Steve McCroskey

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May 15, 2004


Diane Dupuis
  Go to your gallery, get the photo number, then when on the page to upload picture to the contest - just put the photo number...
Note that you don't need to enter a title or description - it automatically takes what is in your gallery. If you want to change the title or description, do it in your gallery before entering it into the contest (although I believe you can do it after also.
Also note that the photo will not be posted on the most current page in the contest area, it goes by date, so if you put it in your gallery a while ago, it could appear as far back as the last page of this month's contest entries...
You could always just upload it to the contest (it will be given a new photo number) and then add it to your gallery (hide the first one if you wish...)
Sorry for the long answer.

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May 15, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  The last bit of advice given by Diane is indeed, your best best option....especially if you want to get comments on your photo.
When you re-upload the photo, it appears on page 1 of the current months entries.
When you upload via the I.D. number, there is a good chance that no one...(except the judges), will even see it.

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May 16, 2004

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