BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

Aldwin L. Ong

significance of glitches etc...

  3rd generation
3rd generation

Aldwin L. Ong

i wonder if uneditted shots with a couple of glitches (such as tiny dust spots) would automatically be disqualified? I have attached a couple of my entries. please comment on the, esp regarding my question. i'd like to gain more insight on other conditions that I should take note of, which were not exactly elaborated on. lastly, would it be advisable to edit photos first before sending it in? thank you very much...

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May 06, 2004


Nancy Grace Chen
  I am not a judge or in any way affiliated with the management or judging of the contest, just a competitor... but I'd advise you to look at previous winners and finalists to get an idea of the quality they are looking for.

I've seen winners with very minor technical glitches, but if you can fix them before entering it, I would do that. Why take a risk? And my guess is that most photos are probably edited before they are entered.

You may find this link helpful:

Hope that helps!


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May 09, 2004

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