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Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

international library of photography

ok ok ok.. everybody has been selected to have their picture printed in a book ... me too.. I think is nice but i'm not buying it cuz its to expansive for a brazilian...sure, I would like to have my photo in a book.. and they know that almost everyone is like me.. they are smart and that is their buissness... I dont blame them.. but what I want to know is... has anyone received the cash prizes? do u know anyone who did? everyone who enter in the contest goes to the finals?

see ya Lucas

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April 20, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  I just saw Brazil's women's team play SMU. Brazil's getting better.
But I'm sure somebody gets some prize money. Whether the $5,000 is actually awarded, don't know. It convieniently could awarded to somebody who didn't go the convention, and therefore forefeighted.
Afterall, you have to register, and you have to be there, so they know who's coming. But I told somebody before who did go, the real damage is done when you tell every 100 people they've been selected, you can afford to give away some money to one person when you have so many having to pay to be there.
It's like having a talent show. Tell a bunch of people they could win, regardless of if they can sing or not. Say there's an entry fee and a cash prize. Winner could win $1,000 but you have 100 people paying $50, so actually the winner gets $950 and the person who sets up the talent contest gets an easy $4,000.
I think questions about ILP can have there own section on here.
Bottom line, if anybody's pictures are as great as they say, you shouldn't have to pay any money to anybody, especially $500, to be awarded anything.

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April 20, 2004


Donna S. Domitrek
  Lucas, to answer your question, YES there are people who win cash prizes. I attended the convention in Washington earlier this month and I was a cash prize winner.As for the 5000.00 cash prize, this years winner was from Switzerland, and she also attended.
As for your other responce to this question from Gregory L. I think unless you have actually experienced the conference and met the people who attend, and go to the workshops,you have no right to comment about it.
By the way, there were at least three people from Brazil at this years conference.

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April 21, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  You back to me and my rights again? Well I'll continue to advise against it when ever I choose to do so. So you've been notified.

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April 21, 2004

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