BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

Leonardus van Bruggen

contest categories Editor's Pick  
Snowy Beach
Snowy Beach

Leonardus van Bruggen


Leonardus van Bruggen

Dear Jim,
First of all I think you have a great site.
The category "general" is, as I have been advised by your Heather Young, for digital manipulation, collages, etc. Looking at your January finalists and winners 99% seem to be in the "straight" photography aproach. You teach digital photo, Photoshop etc. Why is there not a category dedicated to the digital darkroom in all its forms? Regards, Leonardus van Bruggen

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February 17, 2004 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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Jim Miotke's Gallery
  Hi Leonardus,

Thanks for the positive feedback.

First I have to correct you, though: of the 11 winners, 6 are digitally manipulated images. 1 is a Polaroid Transfer and a few are "conceptual shots" (which are also allowed in the category).

We do teach (and love) Photoshop here at BetterPhoto. And the General category is indeed the category to submit such photos into. Digital manipulation is allowed in the other categories, but the General one is for images that are "about" digital manipulation.

Cool photos, by the way. And I really enjoyed viewing your work at your Web site - "Green Trees" is especially eye-catching.

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February 17, 2004


Leonardus van Bruggen
  Thank you Jim for your reply and your kind comments. I stand corrected on my previous question. Indeed some of the images are digitally manipulated. I still would suggest a change in categories for your consideration. "Alternative techniques" would include creative PS techniques,Polaroid manipulations,handcolouring,scratching or burning of film,cross processing etc. to name a few. Just a thought, Thanks,Leonardus

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February 19, 2004

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