BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

Ellen A. Crownover

Photo Contest

Just wondering how many judges there are in judging the monthly contest. There are an incredible amount of entries, how does the judge go through them all?

One other question, during the judging will the judge or judges comment on the photos in the discussion?

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February 15, 2004 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  Good questions, Ellen.

There are usually between 7 to 10 judges, all of whom are professional photographers. You're right - it is an enormous job, taking several days and consisting of several rounds.

First, images are chosen for technical merit - any unintentionally blurry and poorly exposed images are eliminated in the first round.

Then we do what we call a "double checker" round, to make sure no potential winners are missed during the first round.

Then images are grouped by member and then by category to make sure that only the best work by each individual photographer and only images that were properly categorized make it to the next round.

Judge's scores are then tallied in a mathematical process, in order to keep the contest as democratic and non-subjective as possible.

To answer you final question, the judges usually refrain from commenting on photos during the judging. If they did, they would see the name of the member who made the photo. We don't want the judges to know who shot what - we want the images to be judged purely on their own, without considerations regarding the photographer. In an effort to keep things fair, the judges do not see the member's name or other personal information while judging.

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February 17, 2004


Ellen A. Crownover
  Thanks for the reply Jim, sound all good to me :).

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February 18, 2004

- Melinda F. Schneider

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Melinda F. Schneider
Melinda F. Schneider's Gallery
  Just one little question: Many photographers put a copywrite or otherwise place their name on an image. This being a given, how are you able to keep all photos anonymous?

Thanks for clearing this up for me!

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January 11, 2008


Tamera S. Phillips
  That was my question Melinda. Some members put their own copywrite mark on the image and then others use the BP copywrite option. How do those remain anonymous?

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January 11, 2008

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Jim's comment is nearly four years old. Times have changed, especially with more people adding their names to the photo. There's no way they can be anonymous anymore...maybe years ago when hardly anyone was plugging in their names..but I somehow doubt the judges are holding their thumb over the screen, when the shot comes up. Hopeflly, BP does their best to not be influenced when they do see the names.

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January 11, 2008

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Just a clairification..I'm referring to the copyrighted names that are affixed to the photo, or those that the members added themselves...versus the name that's below the photo that's on the contest page. And I realize not all photos have the copyrighted name across them.

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January 11, 2008

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