BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Free Photo Contest

Photography Question 

Michelle Ross

Photo Contest?

Does the photo contest start off each month with a new slate of photos or are past photos automatically entered into the next month? If we can't remember if we got some entered can we reenter just in case? Thanks!

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February 01, 2004


Diane Dupuis
  It starts over every month. Photos are not automatically entered into the next month. One way of keeping track of which photos you've entered is to keep a Word document listing what photos you entered (with date entered, into what category, what title you gave it and the photo id number). If you want to re-enter it the next month you just need the id number... Hope this helps.

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February 01, 2004


Michelle Ross
  Thanks Diane! I will start today keeping better track of the ones I enter!

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February 01, 2004

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